Friday, February 5, 2010

Here is the Sun.

While on a jog on one of the nicest Winter days in January with my favorite friend, it came upon me that thinking that happiness is something that simply comes to us in brief moments or days is almost preposterous. The song, "Here Comes the Sun, " by The Beatles does indeed impart hope into our hearts because it gives us something to look forward to, but why not be the cause of your own happiness and keep it with you wherever and whenever you go?

It is important to look at the bigger picture. We must force ourselves to be our own best friends, and remember that as a best friend, it is important to give love as much as possible. While being "in" love with another is always wonderful, it is not possible to reach that without maintaining a state of love for yourself. I envision the maintenance of this state in this way: your mind is a city, any caliber of city that you choose, and there is only one boat dock that allows newcomers in and out. You must rid your city of naysayers and wrong-doers (aka destructive thoughts and habits) and refuse entrance to any that may compromise the state of contentment within the city limits.

Allowing yourself this power is invigorating and hopeful. Once you are able to simply be in this state, it is with you. You must continuously focus on the goal of remaining content, and rather than allowing a wave of conflicting feelings to traverse through your being you must steadily tread the calm waters of self-love. Remember, you have all of the tools you need to be happy and owe it to yourself to allow your tools to do their work.

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