Thursday, December 17, 2009


Now, I usually don't watch talk shows, but today as I sat on the couch with my mom in the awkward hours that are always the early evening Dr. Phil was showing, and I decided to give the channel changer a rest and listen in to his sometimes-words of wisdom.

On today's episode, a woman who saved her 11 year old brother from their burning house when she was 14 was featured. Not only did she lose the rest of her family, but she was also left with third degree burns on most of her body and because of this, her self-esteem was left at dangerously low levels, causing her to feel unworthy of others' love and attention. Dr. Phil so wisely advised her that we must be our OWN best friends: take care of ourselves as we so generously take care of others/commend ourselves for our admirable actions/treat ourselves often. Being a best friend means being supportive, and oftentimes we refuse to remain loyal to our own selves.

While I don't have the same physical issues as this woman, I can relate to her lack of self-esteem and shallow feelings of self-worth, and I know others can too. Too often do we forget to take care of ourselves, and Dr. Phil's advise is sound: it is of the utmost importance to be a friend to ourselves before others can be a friend to us.

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