Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Verdict

Yeah so about that October's November and I've neglected my blog once again! Oh bother. Okay, now I'm REALLY going to do better because my future career probably depends upon it. So that's that.

As I've read others blogs and considered what mine should focus on, I've decided that what better resource to draw upon for inspiration then my own experiences? Here's the verdict: I will continue to post about my daily triumphs, failures, peeves and findings so as to invoke a feeling of ability to achieve in my readers. I am reaching the goals I have set for myself every day, and while it is easy to become wrapped up in the details of life and neglect to realize what really matters, this is the most important thing we can do to keep ourselves going. And you can take that to the bank.

Being a peer mentor for a group of freshman communications students this quarter has really taught me so much about this. They are continuously emailing and texting me with their concerns over their grades in the class, the group projects that were due today that they presented to the class, our upcoming activities and other menial details of being a college student. When I hear of their freak-out sessions I assure them that it is not the end of the world! Life is going to go on even if they fail to be perfect presenters or are having trouble scheduling a class. I tell them to BREATHE and to STOP and to REALIZE that they are already ahead of their peers by simply having a worry. Some people fail to care about their life's situations, causing them to fall behind in this rat race.

So, the first motto that I am imparting to live by is this: DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF, BECAUSE IT'S ALL SMALL STUFF!


I think some of us could learn a few lessons from this oh-so-wise read!

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