Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here on Avenue Q...


I just got back from seeing the Broadway musical, Avenue Q, and I knew I just had to discuss the newest words of wisdom that I have learned! Now, I'm not sure if you've ever seen the show, but it's definitely not child-friendly, to say the least. It talks about real-life situations in a down-to-earth way that allows its viewers to relate, such as "everybody's a little bit racist," "a fine line between love and waste of time," not knowing what to do with the college degree you've worked for four years to earn and the idea that the internet is only for porn. The main character, Princeton, as well as other characters, grapple with their personal "my life sucks" dilemmas and, after the audience has been moved to find their inner-Princetons, Kate Monsters, Christmas Eves, Brians, Rods and Gary Colemans (yep, his character is in there too!), the characters bring us to the show's conclusion: "Everything in life is only for now."

We are constantly trying to change the bad situations in our lives; seeking out solutions and fretting over what will come next. But what Avenue Q teaches us is that, yeah, things may be awry right now, but that's exactly what it is: just for right now. These lines especially sent the point home:

Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs
Except for death and paying taxes,
Everything in life is only for now!

Change is the only constant we have. While the show does not by any means tell viewers to stop looking for their purpose in life, something Princeton is constantly searching for, it reminds us that sometimes it's okay to take a breath and just let everything be. Heck, the show goes even farther to say that the good things in life are also fleeting: love, happiness, health, friendship. If we are constantly looking for something more we will miss out on the good things in life, because they are just for now.

Let me put it into an analogy that everyone can associate with: food. You gotta make sure you appreciate what you've been served, even if it's not all you're craving, because even that chop liver is better than nothin'.

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