Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bite your tongue...and tweets.

So social media is taking over. Period. The newest generation of professionals is technologically-savvy and ready to step outside the conventional box that the older workforce once worked with. But with these tech skills comes a comfort with the Internet that creates an issue: the ease with which we put ourselves out there and the consequences that accompany it.

From the moment my family got its first computer and logged on to AOL for the first time, I have had a presence on the Web. I had my AOL profile decked out with my favorite colors and quotes; my own web page had sparkling images floating around the screen; LiveJournal provided me with a space to divulge my most intimate thoughts; and now Facebook allows me to update my status to whatever I please. It is safe to say that I am quite comfortable with the idea of putting myself out there for the world to see, technologically speaking, and it has allowed me to pick up the new social media tools and mold my web presence easily. And while my parents' generation have had a more difficult time getting used to it, my age group has been privileged with the luxury of growing up with the Internet. But with great privilege comes great responsibility, something that is often learned the hard way.

Recent lawsuits regarding tweets and blog updates have become the newest fear for social media users. Because social media is so new, it is hard to decide what an acceptable update is. And although we are used to communicating easily through the Web, we must remember that the real world is very ready to slap our wrists if political correctness and appropriate attitudes are not kept. I think that being comfortable with social media is a great advantage that my generation has, but ensuring professionalism is something that we may definitely need to work on.

This isn't your mama's Myspace page, honey. Welcome to the big kid's playing field.

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