Monday, July 27, 2009

Innovative ideas supported by former President and intern

As an intern at the Athens Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing support to rural Athens, Ohio, it is pleasing to read that a prominent political figure realizes the need for more support in areas such as ours. An article in The Daily Tell, a publication that focuses on reporting good news rather than negative, featured a highlight on former President Bill Clinton who gave ideas for underdeveloped regions to receive more money. He said that there should be more options for philanthropists when it comes to donating time and money to rural parts of the country. This way, there are more diversified means of providing support.

During my time with this organization I have come to appreciate the way in which we assist the Athens community. Instead of simply giving money to any organization that is out to do good, we meticulously analyze how the money will be used and what the overall goal of the receiving organization is. Through the research I've done on the grantees and the interviews I've conducted, I have been fascinated by the creative methods organizations like Village Productions in Amesville and Kids on Campus here at Ohio University have employed to bring a better way of life to the underprivileged in Athens. Working closely with the people who are behind them has given a new life to the meaning of philanthropy, and I look forward to further educating myself on the diversified services that the Athens Foundation supports.

A link to the article referenced above can be found at

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