Sunday, October 11, 2009

October Resolution

My apologies for not posting in months. Once the internship ended and school started, I forgot about maintaining my web presence. How silly and unresponsible of me for neglecting you, blog readers! My "October resolution" is to maintain a schedule of posting once a week every Sunday. I even have it written in my planner!

What inspired me to pick up blogging again was the presentation Chip Mahaney of the Scripps Organization gave to my Journalism 333, News Editing, class. He stressed the importance of our web presence in the changing communications field and offered his own experiences with hiring individuals based on how they portray themselves online. For a junior in college and someone who needs to being seriously thinking of her entrance into the workforce, this was good advice, and I appreciate it. :)

So now that the school year is in full swing and my life has become hectic, as expected. I've become increasingly involved in PRSSA and am glad for its stronger presence in my life. I've begun writing a column for our newsletter, PR Success, call "True Life: I'm a JKid." My first text detailed the common theme of anxiety that characterizes the lives of JMajors and reassured readers that even when it seems like we're failing at life, we all have the same worries. I'm excited about this new endeavor and can't wait for next quarter's issue already!

Writing has become an increasingly present notion when it comes to my thoughts of the future. I've always been good at it and have enjoyed expressing my ideas through written word, leading me to believe that a career involving writing may be just the ticket t0 my success. In my J370 class, Media Relations and Publicity, we learn all about the inner-workings of PR professionals and that the field includes a great deal of research and thoughtful expression, and while it has been challenging thus far I have appreciated the writing practice and the additions to my portfolio it provides.

I'm considering changing the theme of this blog to something dealing with educational communications, such as high education admissions or social change in the field, perhaps with materials and mentions of the Teach for America program. Keep checking for any updates on this issue!

Until next Sunday :)